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two fighting hippos over their hierarchy in Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda | two fighting hippos over their hierarchy in Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. which looks very dramatic is more a playful thing without hurting each other - Realizzato con Pictrs.comtwo fighting hippos in Lake Mburo National Park | Die ideale Geschenkidee für Naturliebhaber. Naturbilder von Marcel Gross Photography für ihr Zuhause in den verschiedensten Formaten und Materialien. - Realizzato con Pictrs.comgiant hippo bull walking on the road | giant hippo bull walking on the road in Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda - Realizzato con Pictrs.comyawning hippo in Lake Mburo National Park | Die ideale Geschenkidee für Naturliebhaber. Naturbilder von Marcel Gross Photography für ihr Zuhause in den verschiedensten Formaten und Materialien. - Realizzato con Pictrs.comyawning hippo in Lake Mburo National Park | Die ideale Geschenkidee für Naturliebhaber. Naturbilder von Marcel Gross Photography für ihr Zuhause in den verschiedensten Formaten und Materialien. - Realizzato con Pictrs.comgiant male African Elephant spaying dust on his back in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda | giant male African Elephant spaying dust on his back in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda - Realizzato con Pictrs.comgiant mouth of a hippo in Kazinga Channel, Uganda | Die ideale Geschenkidee für Naturliebhaber. Naturbilder von Marcel Gross Photography für ihr Zuhause in den verschiedensten Formaten und Materialien. - Realizzato con Pictrs.comapproaching bull elephant on a road in Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda | Die ideale Geschenkidee für Naturliebhaber. Naturbilder von Marcel Gross Photography für ihr Zuhause in den verschiedensten Formaten und Materialien. - Realizzato con Pictrs.comimpressive bull elephant | Die ideale Geschenkidee für Naturliebhaber. Naturbilder von Marcel Gross Photography für ihr Zuhause in den verschiedensten Formaten und Materialien. - Realizzato con Pictrs.comcute and hungry | Cute big hairy armadillo feeding on human leftovers on Peninsula Valdés, Argentina - Realizzato con Pictrs.comNorth American porcupine | Encountered while hiking on my own on the shoreline of Glacier Bay. - Realizzato con Pictrs.comblack'n white elephant bulls | two mud covered bull elephant  in Etosha National Park - Realizzato con Pictrs.comyoung elephant stetching out its trunk | a baby desert elephant is the key to the survival of these fantastic giants in the Namib Desert - Realizzato con Pictrs.comLittle Elephant | in Tsavo Nationalpark - Realizzato con