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pre-sunrise at a calm Lake Bachalpsee with Schreckhorn | Die ideale Geschenkidee für Naturliebhaber. Naturbilder von Marcel Gross Photography für ihr Zuhause in den verschiedensten Formaten und Materialien. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comrising full moon next to Schreckhorn in the Swiss Alps near Grindelwald | Die ideale Geschenkidee für Naturliebhaber. Naturbilder von Marcel Gross Photography für ihr Zuhause in den verschiedensten Formaten und Materialien. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comspring with yellow alpine wild flowers at a mountain lake | Die ideale Geschenkidee für Naturliebhaber. Naturbilder von Marcel Gross Photography für ihr Zuhause in den verschiedensten Formaten und Materialien. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comwhite cottongrass in the Bernese Alps | The picture was taken on the shore of Bachalpsee high above the famous tourist hotspot Grindelwald in the Bernese Alps. Originally i wanted to camp up there, unfortunately i didn't made it. so i went for a hike and had to make the best out of a beautiful September-day. a wonderful Berner Oberland Bild. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comwhite cottongrass in the Bernese Alps | The picture was taken on the shore of Bachalpsee high above the famous tourist hotspot Grindelwald in the Bernese Alps. Originally i wanted to camp up there, unfortunately i didn't made it. so i went for a hike and had to make the best out of a beautiful September-day. a wonderful Berner Oberland Bild. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.com

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